In our clinic, additional examination methods are used to confirm the diagnosis:
digital intraoral periapical radiography;
digital intraoral interproximal radiography.
Extraoral methods are also available:
digital orthopantomogram (panoramic X-ray);
digital radiograph of the mandibular-temporal joint (temporomandibular joint);
small field 3D cone beam computed tomography.
And an extraoral diagnostic method,with the help of which you can make various prosthetic devices (crowns and bridges based on teeth and implants), orthodontic devices, both removable (plates, teeth correction graves) and non-removable (Herbst, Trex, Pendex, Hyrax): intraoral scanner (3shape TRIOS) .
Advantages of diagnostic methods

The radiological material is stored in a computer program and can be accessed much more conveniently by both the patient and the doctor.
Radiation doses of radiological examinations:
Annual background radiation ~2400μSv
OPG (panoramic X-ray) – 82.7 μSv
BW (digital intraoral interproximal radiography) – 1.02–1.54 μSv
PA Rtg (digital intraoral periapical radiography) – 0.8–2.9 μSv
3D (small field 3D cone beam computed tomography) – 218 μSv
It is possible to easily and quickly transfer data to laboratories for the production of hardware.
+371 29 456 701 | Lielā Dzirnavu street 18
+371 67106636 | Lielā street 16
+371 63 663 012 | Talsu street 31