
Endodontics (from the Greek endo - in, odon - tooth) is a branch of dentistry that includes the etiology, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental pulp and periodontal tissue diseases.
Endodontics is a process during which the root canal system of a tooth is mechanically and chemically treated. The root canal system is disinfected, cleaned, expanded and then filled with special material. Endodontic treatment of the tooth is required in cases of acute inflammation of the pulp tissue (pulpitis) or root canal tissue (periodontitis). Often, endodontic treatment is the only way to keep a tooth in the mouth.
If the root canals of the tooth are well healed and preserved, the tooth can last for many more years. However, it should be noted that any endodontically treated tooth is more fragile than a living tooth. Therefore, often after endodontic treatment it is necessary to use glass fiber posts, post and cores and crowns.
Symptoms of the affected tooth, which may indicate the need for its endodontic treatment in the future?
Severe toothache in the evening and night pain, long pain on a cold irritant;
Severe pain when biting on the affected tooth;
Throbbing pain and swelling at one of the teeth, discharge of pus;
How does endodontic treatment work?
Prior to endodontic treatment, anamnesis, diagnostics and X-ray examinations are performed, the patient is consulted about the expected endodontic treatment course, duration, cost and prognosis of the tooth. The dentist performs the endodontic treatment in"KlīnikaZinta" under the control of a microscope. The microscope provides magnification, additional illumination and allows you to work with higher accuracy.
At the beginning of treatment, anesthesia is performed if needed, the tooth is isolated from the rest of the oral cavity using a special rubber-cofferdam (this prevents the patient from files entering the airways or esophagus, chemicals enetering the oral cavity and salivary microorganisms getting in to the root system), opening of the pulp chamber, localization and preparation of root canals using special tools - files and rotating instruments (ProTaper). In case of endodontic retreatment of the tooth, the existing root canal filling is removed under the control of a microscope. The root canals are mechanically and chemically cleaned and prepared for filling. At the end of the session, the tooth is closed with temporary medication and a hermetic temporary restoration is put.
On repeated visit, anesthesia (if necessary) is made, tooth is isolated with a cofferdam, chemical and mechanical treatment of the root canals is performed and the root canal system is filled with Gutta-percha. Dental crown is restored with temporary or permanent restoration. The next visit is scheduled in case further restoration of the tooth with the help of prosthetics is required.
The primary treatment of the root canals is usually performed in two sessions, however, there are cases when several sessions are needed to eliminate the inflammation in the root canal system.
The degree of complexity of endodontic treatment and the number of treatment sessions is determined by the number of root canals, their anatomical shape (amount of canal curvature), the patient's mouth opening, previous endodontic root canal treatment, etc. It should be noted that endodontic diseases are infectious diseases and it is not possible to clean absolutely all microorganisms from the root canals during treatment. The prognosis of treatment is influenced by all factors that allow microorganisms to enter or survive in the root canal system - early diagnosis and anatomy of the tooth, large number of sessions, reinfection during treatment, quality of temporary filling and restoration, previously made defects, filling quality, etc.
Root canal treatment

In situations, when the decay is not treated for a long time and has reached the dental pulp, the last option to preserve the tooth is root canal treatment or endodontics.
In order to ensure high-quality treatment even in the most difficult situations, the treatment of root canals since 2005 in "Klīnika Zinta" has been performed under the control of a special microscope-"Zeiss".
Signs of pulp inflammation:
Acute, prolonged pain (especially at night);
Hard to detect painful tooth;
Hypersensitivity to cold irritant;
May include invisible lesions for the patient, which can be located only on the X-ray.
If possible, the dentist always tries to perform endodontic treatment so, that the tooth is not lost. Root canal treatment is not done only in cases, where the tooth cannot be restored afterwards or in cases, where it has a poor prognosis.
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