"Klīnika Zinta" has been dealing with implantology for more than 20 years. Our surgeon uses the latest technologies and modern materials, as well as regularly attends various courses.
How and why is an implant inserted?
Dental implants are used to restore lost permanent teeth. Implants do not injure adjacent teeth.
When inserting the implant:
The jawbone does not resorb over time;
Chewing functions are completely restored;
The aesthetics of the face are preserved.
Most implants are made of titanium, which provides good osseointegration. Based on the results of studies, complications related to osseointegration are observed only in about 3-5% over 9 years. There is an equal chance of losing a permanent tooth.
Our clinic uses the latest generation Straumann Roxolid implants, which are made of a titanium and zirconium alloy. These implants show up to 30% better osseointegration than other implants. As a result, these implants are lost much less frequently than titanium implants.
Successful osseointegration of implants requires various factors:
The patient must be in good health (smokers and patients with diabetes are at high risk);
The bone and gums must be of an adequate thickness;
There must be very good oral hygiene;
The doctor must be well qualified;
The correct insertion method must be used;
A high quality implant must be used.
It is usually safest to start the prosthetic phase and completely restore the crown part 6-12 weeks after implant placement, but with Straumann RoxolidSLActive implants, the prosthetic phase can be started in 3 to 4 weeks!
Teeth on implants look exactly like permanent teeth and do not cause any discomfort to the patient, just remember that teeth on implants must be cared for as good as for permanent teeth!

Why and when to choose implants?
An implant is the best solution to replace a missing tooth or in cases where…
You want a comfortable, non-removable solution that resembles your teeth as much as possible, you don't want to grind the adjacent teeth that are needed to create and fix a bridge prosthesis, you don't want or can't wear a removable prosthesis, you want a solution that does not require special care - implant care is the same as your dental care (brushing, flossing and using interdental brushes) You want a solution with the longest possible prognosis that better preserves bone and gum size.
Based on modern data, it can be argued that dental implants have the most sustainable prognosis. Recent studies show that 90% of dental implants installed 10 years ago still perform their function.
How to avoid tooth loss?
The main goal of modern dentistry is to avoid tooth loss. Given that the loss of even one tooth affects the function and appearance of the tooth row, maintaining the teeth and their health is very important. However, sometimes, there is a need to get rid of the tooth.
The main reasons for tooth extraction:
Massive caries (large holes in the teeth); Periodontal diseases; Infection or abscess (purulent inflammation); Injuries, etc.
What can I do to ensure the longevity of my teeth?
Ensure good oral hygiene:
1. Brush your teeth 2 times a day for at least 3 minutes;
2. Use dental floss and mouthwash regularly;
Visit the dentist regularly (perform dental examinations, at least once a year), reduce the daily consumption of sweet and sour foods.
What is a dental implant?
A dental implant is most often a titanium screw that acts as an artificial tooth root. It is installed in the jawbone to replace a lost or extracted tooth. After the implant is integrated into the bone, a crown is created on it, which resembles a real tooth, as well as performs its functions.
Implants, in most cases, are made of titanium. This organism-friendly material guarantees optimal growth (osseointegration) in the jaw bone. The implant, becoming a permanent substitute for the root of the tooth, is the basis for making a crown, bridge or prosthesis. The implant integrates in the lower jaw in about 6-12 weeks, while the integration in the upper jaw takes a little longer - 3-6 months.
Different dental implant solutions.
Dental implants A dental implant can replace any missing tooth. Dental bridges In cases where replacement of 3 or more teeth is required, it is possible to create an implant-based dental bridge. In this case, the dental crowns are interconnected and, depending on the size of the defect, they are fixed on the basis of two or more implants. Total prosthesis The prosthesis is fixed on 4-8 implants.
How do implants help keep teeth left?
Dental implants not only restore the function of the remaining teeth and improve the overall aesthetics of the dental row, but also help maintain the health of the remaining teeth.
All teeth are looking for contact. It means that:
The absence of one or more teeth causes the adjacent teeth to move in the direction of the tooth row defect. The tooth facing the opposite jaw also starts to move. Tooth movement causes a decrease in free space, which can interfere with further prosthetics. In the region where the tooth does not exist, there is a decrease in bone density, which also makes prosthetics more difficult. The above can contribute to the development of periodontitis and caries. Tooth movement can lead to bite deformation and aesthetic changes in the total tooth row. This can cause problems with the mandibular joints. In the absence of side teeth, the entire bite load is directed to the front teeth, causing them to overload and change position. Based on modern data, it can be argued that dental implants have the most sustainable prognosis. Recent studies show that 90% of dental implants installed 10 years ago still perform their function.

How are implants placed?
For the patient, implant placement is a relatively simple procedure that does not pose a health risk. Implants are placed under local anesthesia. Some complications (vascular and nerve damage) are possible during implant placement, but thanks to modern diagnostic techniques and high-quality dental training, they have become very minimal.
Prior to implant placement, thorough examinations are performed to assess the health of the bones, teeth and gums. The bite and, finally, the presence of possible contraindications are also evaluated. Caution should be exercised in people with kidney disease, people with a tendency to bleed, and people with a low immune system. Consulting a doctor about the potential risks is also important for people with cardiovascular, rheumatic or incurable diabetes.
In cases where the quality and volume of existing bones is not sufficient for implant placement, bone grafting (transplantation) may be required. In such cases, either the patient's own bone or special bone substitutes are used. In the upper jaw, this may mean raising the base of the maxillary cavity. Bone transplantation takes place before or during implant placement.
Sometimes a soft tissue (gum) transplant is also needed, especially in the anterior tooth area.
It is imperative to cure teeth and gums before surgery. If necessary, orthodontic bite correction can also be performed.
In general, during a two-stage implantation, the dentist installs the artificial tooth root (implant) in the place where the tooth used to be. A few months after the implant is integrated, a crown or prosthesis is placed.
Depending on the situation, immediate loading of the implant is sometimes performed by installing a temporary crown immediately after implant placement.
Advantages of the methods

The most appropriate implant for the patient is individually selected;
The amount of existing bone is evaluated. And, if necessary, bone augmentation or "Sinus lift" procedure is planned before implant insertion;
At the Clinic, patients are offered prosthetics on Straumann and Neodent system implants;
Straumann RoxolidSLActive provides faster osseointegration;
To get a beautiful smile with the help of prosthetics, we offer to our patients veneers, crowns, as well as implants anddental bridges;

Nowadays, dentures are used to restore lost teeth and recover chewing function, as well as aesthetics and a beautiful smile. People are given the opportunity to enjoy life without thinking about lost teeth.
In the first consultation, a prosthetic plan and alternative treatment plan options aremade together with the patient and the approximate costs are calculated according to the situation. The development of the treatment plan takes into account the general health of the patient. All stages of treatment are explained to the patient. If necessary, X-rays, other tests or measurements are performed.
The main types of prosthetics used in the clinic:
Total prostheses - prostheses for patients, who have lost all teeth in one or both jaws. Implants need to be inserted to ensure the best fixation for these prostheses.
Non-removable (fixed) prostheses - these prostheses include prostheses that the patient is unable to remove from the oral cavity. These are dental crowns, bridges, veneers and crowns or bridges on implants. These prostheses are cemented or screwed onto natural teeth or implants. The aim of these prostheses is to create the most natural feeling possible.
Removable dentures - these dentures include dentures,that the patient is able to remove. They are mostly plastic or a combination of plastic and metal.
Aesthetic prosthetics - this should be done, if the patient has no other indication for prosthetics than aesthetic dissatisfaction. In this case, crowns or veneers are most often used. Minimally invasive therapy is used in the production of veneers, because only 0.2 mm is removed from the tooth surface! In turn, in the case of making crowns, the amount of lost tooth tissue is larger - 1.5-2 mm
To ensure the longevity of dentures, patients must maintain very good hygiene and it is advisable to visit a dental hygienist every six months or once a year.
Dental technical laboratory

"Klīnika Zinta" technical laboratory offers the following services to all interested:
Production of dentures:
German companies “Vita” ceramic masses “Omega 900” and “VM13” are used for the production of prostheses.
Metal parts of prostheses are made of nickel-free metal alloys.
For the highest aesthetic requirements, we offer all-ceramic crowns made of “Vita” ceramic masses “Vitadur”, “Alpha” and “VM7”.
Production of removable dentures:
Total and partial dentures using high quality German, Italian and Japanese teeth;
We also make various orthodontic plates for bite adjustment and tooth fixation after braces (vacuum formed retainers).
Production of various products:
Teeth whitening guard;
Night guard in case of bruxism;
Sports guards
X-rays of implantology

+371 29 456 701 | Lielā Dzirnavu street 18
+371 67106636 | Lielā street 16
+371 63 663 012 | Talsu street 31