Therapeutic dental treatment

Dental restoration

Therapeutic dental treatment includes both- prophylactic dental treatment for children or application of sealants in dental fissures, and treatment of carious lesions in both- pediatric and adult patients.
To make this process as pleasant, peaceful and painless as possible, "Klīnika Zinta" offers its patients the use of laughing gas (N2O) and "Wand STA" anesthesia.
Dental filling
Dental caries is a chronic infection caused by bacteria in the mouth that destroys the hard tissue of the tooth. Dental caries is the most common dental disease in the world. Caries can occur both in healthy teeth and around existing restorations.
In the early stages of carious lesions, the patient may notice changes in tooth color (from light to dark brown spots), but later there may be pain and discomfort from eating sweet foods and drinking cold drinks. If you also experience any of these symptoms, you should definitely see a dentist.
The goal of the dentist is to find the tooth damage at the earliest possible stage in order to preserve as much healthy tooth tissue as possible. This is why interproximal X-rays are often indicated, in which the dentist can assess both- new defects between teeth, which are difficult to assess with the naked eye, and defects around existing restorations. In addition, it makes it possible to follow these changes over time by taking repeated X-rays ~ 1x a year (less often, if the risk of caries is lower).
Sedation with nitrogen dioxide

This method reduces fear and anxiety. Nitric dioxide sedation is recommended for children from age of six, who are afraid of the dentist, but are cooperative.
How does it work?
During sedation, your child breathes through the nose through a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen gases with the help of a special nasal mask, while the dentist performs the treatment.
During sedation, your child does not fall asleep and is fully conscious, but feels much more relaxed and calmer.
The child can talk and explain his feelings during the procedure.
Most children experience pleasant warmth, relaxation, drowsiness, light tingling in the hands and feet during sedation. As soon as sedation is stopped, these sensations disappear completely within 5 to 10 minutes.
Sedation increases patient comfort, reduces fear and anxiety;
It is a safe procedure used in pediatric dentistry worldwide;
The effects of nitrogen gas are short-lived and you can go home quickly after treatment.
Some children experience nausea after the procedure, so it is very important to follow your doctor's instructions about eating restrictions before the sedation.
What you need to know before visiting:
The child is recommended only one meal no later than 2-4 hours before the procedure. It is allowed to drink water for up to 2 hours before the procedure.
The child must come with a parent or legal guardian.
The child must remove contact lenses, jewelry, piercings that may complicate the procedure.
Tell your doctor about any illness, allergic reaction or medication your child is taking.
After the visit
Although 30 minutes after the end of the procedure, N2O is no longer detectable in the body, look after the baby for about 2 hours after the visit.
Please note!
If your child does not feel well or has a cold, the planned visit should be canceled.
At the first visit, you will be given a consultation, a treatment plan talked through, and the necessary instructions will be given. At this visit, the teeth will not be repaired yet, but the suitability of sedation for your child will be assessed.
Feel free to ask any questions you may have.
Sedation is not on the list of paid public services. Consultation and dental treatment in sedation is a paid service according to the clinic's price list.
+371 29 456 701 | Lielā Dzirnavu street 18
+371 67106636 | Lielā street 16
+371 63 663 012 | Talsu street 31